Hearing Instruments - An Overview
Hearing instrument are available in many different sizes and styles thanks to advancements in digital technology and miniaturization of the internal components. Many of today's hearing aids are considered sleek, compact, and innovative - offering solutions to a wide range of hearing aid wearers.
Basic digital hearing instruments generally require the user to make some manual adjustments such as turning a volume control up or down, or pushing a button to switch settings. A premium or more advanced hearing instrument responds automatically to changes in the user's environment. The user is not required to make any manual changes.
Hearing Instrument Classifications
Completely-In-The-Canal (CIC): This is the smallest and most cosmetic instrument. It fits completely in the ear canal, making CICs practically invisible. Besides being the most discreet, wind noise is reduced because the microphone is recessed deeply into the opening of the ear canal. Telephone use without whistling (feedback) may also be a benefit.
In-The-Canal (ITC): This is the most popular instrument. It is slightly larger than a CIC. At about the size of a dime, these hearing aids fit mostly in the ear canal so they are hardly noticeable. They allow for more options, if desired, such as volume controls and directional microphones.
In-The-Ear (ITE): These hearing aids are about the size of a quarter and fit in the outer portion of the ear and the ear canal. They’re easy to hold for people with arthritic hands and allow for the ITC options if desired, plus a tele-coil for built-in telephone use without annoying feedback!
Behind-The-Ear (BTE): A small, curved case fits around the back of the ear and is connected to the ear canal by a clear ear mold, allowing more power to be delivered to your ears as your hearing loss progresses. These hearing instruments are the least susceptible to wax and moisture build-up due to the placement of the circuitry. They usually don't interfere with eyeglasses.

Which Device Is Right For You?
Technology can be confusing. How can you tell if you need a simple analogue instrument or the latest technology with digital noise reduction and directional microphones?
Analogue hearing instruments have simple amplifiers, which will amplify all of the sounds around you, including background noise. Digital hearing instruments work by converting sound into a signal for which background noises can be identified and reduced, allowing you to understand speech better and more clearly. Some digital instruments can even automatically adjust for volume so that you do not even need to adjust them yourself.
We will explain your test results in an easy-to-understand way, and help you determine what will best suit your needs, giving you several options to choose from. We will explain the differences between all of the available devices so you can make an informed decision.
The Hearing Spa offers an array of hearing instruments from the world’s top manufacturers, including: