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About Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be caused by many factors including genetics, middle ear infections, some diseases and viruses affecting the inner ear, noise exposure, some medications and, most commonly, the aging process. 


Most hearing losses develop over a period of 20-30 years. By age 50 or 60, our hearing may have deteriorated enough to interfere with our daily lives. But because the change is so gradual, and since hearing loss is not physically painful, many people are unaware that they even have a problem. That's how hearing loss sneaks up on you!

Hearing loss is the third most common disability for people over the age of 65; however, it is the most untreated disorder. Only 16% of primary care physicians routinely screen for hearing loss.


From evenings out with family & friends to enjoying a song on the radio, the benefits of better hearing are immeasurable. Better hearing can reduce depression, anxiety & frustration and help build better relationships with friends & loved ones.


Hearing loss is a disorder that can be helped in most cases!

Know the Signs

Signs of Hearing Loss
  1. Feeling as if people are mumbling or not speaking clearly.

  2. Not being able to understand someone on the telephone.

  3. Having the TV up loudly, still not being able to understand the words.

  4. Loved ones showing frustration at having to repeat themselves to you.

  5. Asking people to repeat what they said.

  6. Answering a question incorrectly (or not answering at all).

  7. Feeling isolated, nervous, anxious, frustrated or depressed.

  8. Missing out on social activities and life in general.

  9. A history of noise exposure (industrial noise, live music, etc)

If any of these statements sound like you, call our office today to schedule hearing evaluation.  310-659-3660

Hearing Self Assessment

Hearing Self-Assessment

If you answered YES to even one of these questions, call our office today to schedule hearing evaluation.  310-659-3660

  1. Do you experience ringing or noises in your ears?

  2. Do you hear better with one ear than the other?

  3. Do you have any relatives with hearing loss?

  4. Do you have difficulty following conversations in crowded rooms?

  5. Do you avoid your favorite activities because you no longer enjoy them?

  6. Do you find men’s voices are easier to understand than women’s voices?

  7. Do you experience difficulty understanding softly spoken speech? 

  8. Is hearing from a distance more difficult than it used to be?

  9. Have family or friends commented on your inability to hear or understand?

  10. Has anyone told you your TV is too loud?

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